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Becoming A Guest Author

As a guest author you bring your voice to a new large audience, building your profile and credentials.You also get to add 2 links to your blog, website or anywhere you choose (With some exceptions) added to the post so you really are reaching a new audience and as the primary readership of this Blog is people who keep their own Blogs you are connecting with like minded readers.The links are added as do-follow in an about the author section below post.Self serving links are not allowed in the main parts of the post.

What Type Of Posts We Are Looking For ?

Anything that is useful for our readers is good content for a guest post here.Remember you don't need to be an expert some of the best posts involve site sharing their personal experiences and things they have learned or mistakes they may have made.

Suggest Topics Include:

-Ethical Hacking
-Cyber Security

Not An Expert ?  I want this opportunity to be available to everyone so if your not 'Tech Savy' why not write about your experience Hacking.

I think you get the idea - if it can help a Hacking in any way i would love to have you write a post or posts.It can also be derived from your own personal experiences within Hacking. There is no minimum length for your post, but usually the guest posts have over 400 words.


* Your post must be original and must have never been published before on the Internet.
* You agree to not publish the post anywhere else (i.e., in your own blog or as a guest post in other blogs).
* We may make minor edits to posts, however if a major change is required we will consult the author.

Your Author Links

We will not publish posts with links to off topic sites such as Credit Card Sites, Loan and General finance sites, Gambling sites ect..

We will not accept very longtail keywords as anchor text.Sure; you can use keywords as anchor text but don't go crazy 2-3 words should be enough for even the most ambitious of us.

Submit Your Post, Idea or Ask For More Info

OK To Get Started You Can Contact Me By Email.

If you have a post ready Great, send it in the format you are most comfortable with (Text, Document, Zip, etc or if your unsure just paste it into the Email) and i will get back to you.If you have an idea or title you want to run past me let me know.If you want more info on the process just ask.


Thanks again for your interest and i look forward to hearing from you.

Boopathi - Founder Of Hacking Track